Following are simple questions and answers to common questions about service, connectivity, error codes, and much more.
Don't see what you're looking for? No problem! Contact our customer support team at 800-209-8603
Troubleshooting your Connection
If you are ever having a problem getting connected to your internet service, please check the following before calling:
Check your connections:
Make sure that the power adapter is properly plugged into an outlet/surge protector. Note: A surge protector is highly suggested to protect your equipment from sudden power surges that could cause damage.
Check that the Ethernet cable is plugged into the power adapter and then from the power adapter to your router or your PC.
Power cycle your Radio:
Unplug the power adapter from the outlet/surge protector for 15-20 seconds and plug it back in.
Other Causes of Problems:
Storms are likely to cause connections to be slightly interrupted.
Lightning and power outages at towers happen occasionally, but we make it a priority to get the problem solved as soon as possible.
Check all basic items first.
Power on?
All wires plugged in?
Reboot Router
Unplug antenna and plug back in and wait for a few minitues before checking connection.
Speed tests:
Still Not Working?
Email us at support@locl.net
or Call 260-665-2005, 260-349-1799, 260-488-6363, or 800-209-8603
What are Locl.net's mail servers?Incoming Mail Server: pop3n.locl.net or imap.locl.net Outgoing Mail Server: smtpn.locl.net Please contact us to set up an email account or get your login credentials (username/password) - support@LOCL.net or 260-665-5638.
I keep getting error "reject=550 5.7.1" Relaying Denied"When you try to send email, you may get this message if your email is not set up correctly. The email client needs to use login credentials when sending email, the same credentials used to get email. If you need assistance, contact us at support@locl.net or call 260-665-5638.
When I travel for vacation, how can I get my mail?"You can access your email account using a web browser. You can sign in with your LOCL.net username/password at mailbox.locl.net.